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I am a cannabis communicator helping newcomers understand the protocol for Discerning modern cannabis genetic leaning by using the Terpene profile & determining the interaction thereof. I created this protocol which is for good reason called the Evolutionarily Adaptive Terpological Discernment & Assignment Protocol. The U.S. lacks peer reviewed studies & Cannabis in the U.S. is vastly different from the heirloom & Landrace genetic from which they came. Terpology, the study of terpenes.
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MDs "Apparently" Race Based Approach to "Social Equity" - The EQUITABLE Distribution of The 83 Social Equity Entrepreneurial Liscences Heavily Concentrated Precisely How It Wasn't Supposed to Be, over 60% Put in Baltimore & PG County (Highest Crime Areas)

So if you recall, I mentioned not long ago about the October 2022 pre application deadline for Round 1 of the cannabis Liscencing In Maryland for Everyone not a multi million dollar corporation able to pay the asking price of the initial Market rolled out in Maryland. Yes indeed now that the state has multi million dollar interstate companies constituting a cannabis conglomerate cornering all prices and keeping access from loose concentrate restricted; after establishing a clientele base formal of these crooked companies, who prefer nothing more than to stamp out any semblance of competition in Maryland, now Maryland is concerned about allowing residents to participate in this cornered market.
Having little chance of success when being faced with a marketplace already held slow, clientele already loyal to particular already established brands and companies, and an industrial market that is the government thumb in cannabis culture, these companies stand little chance.
So we have this more than year early pre determination deadline which was not at all mentioned in the same manner the current steps are having attention draw to them. I have my theories as to why they did this. I believe it was merely a way of cutting down on the entries. When people questioned "well how do I know if I'm a social equity applicant" naturally they had no answer to look to, so they either neglected to submit or were gaslit by the state and told that They should have done so as they should have presumed they could be and thus apply anyway. As I said, for a lot of people, that would equate to their not entering the initial pre determination having unclear understanding of when to apply if indeed they may be a social equity applicant.
I mean it is confusing enough even after they released the heat map of Marylands areas which do qualify as a social equity area over a year later, after the predetermination in October 2022. For example, say you lived in Garrett County and entered, Garrett County isn't included in the numbers which leads to an area being considered a social equity region. So those applicants wouldn't have gotten in, again causing confusion in this predetermination deadline.
Let's touch on Garrett Counties lack of inclusion in the Social Equity Legislation. If indeed the point is not about race specifically, but about how ppl were negatively effected by the illegality of cannabis I can't see how the state is balanced as it is, or rather unbalanced as to what's a disproportionately effected area. These are areas which have an arrest rate of over 150% or higher, related to cannabis crimes. The problem is, it wasn't only cannabis, they used the fact that Baltimore is the capital of various crimes through the past 2 decades, including the capital of murder and Heroin Distribution throughout the 2000s trading places with Chicago, Illinois, in order to claim these exasperated numbers. If the person was commiting a robbery, with a bag of weed, that's a weed crime, a tick for social equity. If the person was violently fleeing police with a bowl full or blunt well well social equity tick mark.
Yet when looking at 1 of the 2 COUNTIES which are excluded from this initial social equity lottery, we can see even more clearly that what I've stated is in fact truth. Garrett County has a Black population of 0.3% as of the census last taken, living in county not including college partial time dwellers. The majority of crime in Garrett county is large Drug Busts on I 68 the main drug corridor through Western Maryland which there is no way around save a common law state, so most travel 68 and Garrett county back roads, as well as domestic violence. Most of the drug busts consisted of Heroin and other harder substances simply due to the nature of cannabis vs hard drugs. If the domestic Violence wasn't part of the issue taken into consideration, Garrett county would be included.
There are so many drug busts that happen in Garrett County, it is the Hardest distance to mule anything and any old school mules or OGs know this. So how can Garrett County not be included? Maybe it doesn't reach that 150% mark, but the extent of drug busts that take place in Garrett County, the lack of addictions treatment facilities until late 2010s, one would think the state would be open to allowing Mom and pop ships in Garrett county. But nay, rather what we see is the Cannabis Conglomerate, Trulieve, TERRASCEND, Verano, green Thumb Industries, MeriMed Maryland, And yes even Grow West Owned by a Hawaiian man, these companies seek to sue the Hemp industry to hamper the sales of Delta 8, delta 10, HHC (Hexohydrocannabinol), THCP, THCO, etc which are derived from High potency CBD hemp plants as CBD is easily manipulated at high volume concentration into various THC delta 9 psychoactively Weaker derivations.
The cannabis industry in state is looking at this as money from their pockets, as if those buying delta 9 couldn't access it, or has more.trouvle.doing so, sales of traditional cannabis would go up. How can they do this? Because hemp is registered federally given the federal legality of Hemp in order for the FDA TO Produce epidiolex. Epidiolex, and the precursor from the legacy market stolen by the FDA Charolettes Web Tincture is deoendent on thebhigh potency CBD of low potemcy THC cannabis manipulated into being by colorado brothers the Stanley Brothers. The FDA swapped in the definition that HEMp includeds high CBD strains as well as at least less than 0?3% THC. SO THEY CAN register with the federal government, and thus don't have to adhere to the guidelines set into place by the Industry whom is suing the hemp industry. Meaning, BackBone Mountain Hemp, if had to register as a cannabis company not a hemp company, they would be restricted by social equity legislation and save a caveat in legislation saving their business, they would close not being operable in a disproportionately effected area.
So it all ties together in more clear ways than is readily apparent when all these factors come into play together.
So if we look at a county next to Garrett County, ALLEGANY County, the only Maryland county Bordering Garrett county, also relative to I 68 being the only route save back roads, all patrolled by Maryland state police, some of whom travel daily from Baltimore areas constituting the higher than per capita number of officers in Garrett county than Baltimore City. Yet Garrett County faces not having any liscences allowed into the county, as none EXSISTS there today's. Garrett county residents must come to ALLEGANY county or have it delivered from down state.
Allegany County has the second highest overdose rate outside Baltimore City, does qualify as having the 150% cannabis related arrests rate, yet is only being assigned 1 of the liscences for the entire state in round 1. Yet Baltimore City is getting 19. The total number of liscences in round 1 is 85. Currently there are 101 dispensaries across Maryland according to MCA statistics. There are ZERO in Garrett County. Allegany County has 2 Dispensaries and 3 processors. Again all of which are interstate multi million dollar corporations all from pre established out of state markets, including the newest whom has came into town from Pennsylvania and claimed Allegany Namesake on a batch of dabs.
Cumberland is the city next to Baltimore which has serious violence issues. stabbings, gang shootings, and fights are daily occurrences. Yet cannabis Arrests are few and far between, violence however not so much. Allegany County also has the same semi rural area issue of domestic violence often worse in working areas and rural areas moreso than inner city areas when comparing the extent of cannabis use arrests or related arrests vs the domestic violence issues. But again, all those cannabis related issues in the cities are undoubtedly tied to violent crime in many circumstances or at least other crime. In Allegany County, the issue like Baltimore is violence to a lesser extent.
I do not for a second believe the way these liscences are to be handed out, is at all fair or representative of the cannabis use rates across the state. Rather it is almost seemingly rewarding high crime areas for being so by giving their residents apparent access to this multi million dollar market, at least the chance to try to compete where no competition exists.
These areas aren't being assigned liscences for how poorly and badly they were treated and effected Disproportionately compared to other areas due to cannabis illegality. These areas have a group of people who are known through statistics to commit higher rates of violent crime, and higher rates of crime period, yet making up a minority of the population. Again, Garrett County has a .3% black population, majority white, and fails to have enough crime to tie the cannabis related incidents to the violent crime to make the arrest rate push over 150%. Go one county over, where there is high violence, and what do you know, qualification granted.
And maybe I wouldn't be so intent on this, but 4 counties fail to qualify; Queen Annes county, Garrett County, Kent County, and Caroline County. Now I have spent time looking at the numbers of Black people Vs other races in the areas which received 15 liscences, Baltimore county l, and 19 liscences in Baltimore City.
Baltimore City has a Black Population of over 62%, and seemingly by some feat of violence equals reward, have received more liscences than the entirety of Baltimore county. Together the 15 liscences to Baltimore County and 19 to Baltimore City make up 45.882% of the total liscences being distributed to MARYLANDERS Entrepreneurs.....if you have atleast half a million dollars or are of the correct skin color and from the correct area to receive government grants and loans, whilst the same government returns $1.5 million to dispensaries of the industrial market for their conversion fees of $2.28 million, a conversion which ensured industrial control of the Medicinal and recreational Markets by controlling loose concentrates. O, as long as their net worth is no more than $1.5million, I'm sure they can't make that happen.
Just comparing the money handed to the rich, which was supposed to be money used for these grants, yet it's handed back to industry as such while "social equity applicants" who somehow meet the criteria by living in overly violent areas, jump through hoops to get approved for a loan big enough to maybe help you just barely not fail. I wouldn't be comfortable entering Marylands Market without at least $1,000,000. It's $500,000 according to companies already operating industrially, just to the state, after all's said and done, not including your own overhead.
Baltimore has a Black population of over 66%. Baltimore County is slightly less as Hispanics and whites make up areas of the county placing blacks in the county at 29%. Less Black people in the county, 4 less liscences in the COUNTY than in the CITY. seems a bit sideways. This is after they supposedly addressed ensuring the liscences would be equally spread throughout the state. But I guess this is EQUITABLE distribution aka white ppl don't matter. White ppl weren't effected by the prohibition of cannabis, even in a county with more police per capita than Baltimore City due to Drug Trafficking.
And again, It Wasn't Cannabis Specific crimes, it's all crimes whereby cannabis is inherently included due to its illicit nature and fact everyone used it, so all those violent crimes are cannabis crimes. Yet where police are most heavily patrolling, burdening citizens, due to drug trafficking, don't get taken into consideration, or at least don't even compare to the amount of crimes committed INVOLVING cannabis.
That's how the law should have been stated, not cannabis related crimes, but crimes INVOLVING cannabis. Because this spread is not representative of individuals Disproportionately effected by prohibition of cannabis. How can such be the case when the furthest they have gone towards releasing legacy market cultivators and those jailed for these crimes, was to state people in prison for POSESSION could apply for resentencing. Essentially doing the bare minimum on that note. Ya know, they can't loose that money, as prison is a disgusting business, with Marylands 13 or more locations.
Think I'm Just being Biggoted and not considering the totality? Let's look at Prince George's County, another violent area of Maryland, assigned 18 Liscences. They have a black population of just over 64%. Not only but PG county has a higher Black Non-Hispanicn population by far than any other race in the county or surrounding areas.
Taking this all into account let's add the number of liscences assigned to Prince George's County, 18 of the total 85. This brings the total of 85 round 1 social equity liscences being held in the highest black populated areas of Maryland and some of the most violent is 57/85 liscences. This is nearly 68%, just less than, of the 85 liscences are spread around these areas.
Now let's look at some other areas. Let's first look at a slightly less black populated area, Montgomery County. There are 20% approximately black population in Montgomery County. They received the next highest number of liscences ascribed to their area, 5. What about Cecil County with a black population of 8%, they get 1 liscence.
But I must be being racist, and mean, because Charles County has a Black Population of over 50%, but are only acsribed 3 liscences. Well let's dig a bit further, the crime rate of Charles County, is 3.413/100,000 , compared to Baltimore city at 15.66/1,000, thats 64.2 crimes pwr 1000 residents, that's equivalent to 13.44 crimes for every 1000 residents in Charles County.
I can't explain every little detail just yet, but I'm on my way to comprehending what the heck these legislators and crooked delegates, whom we know have been sued for accepting bribery money early on in the roll out of the Medicinal Market in Maryland, were even thinking when they applied this type of logic to cannabis legalization.

Don't be fooled, no other state has taken this severe of an approach to this situation, nor is any other state claiming they are helping their disproportionately effected whilest charging absurd fees to be involved in the cannabis industry as an entrepreneur.
This isn't helping the disproportioantely effected, it is rewarding areas of high violent crime and crime period for having done so, attempting to I guess blame cannabis for the violence, none of it makes sense.
Works Cited's%20population%20size,assault%2C%20robbery%2C%20etc.)

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Indica vs Sativa - My Artistic Interpretation of the Modern Dichotomous Binary Categorization of cannabis Lean
  • Indica, Sativa, Hybrid.....but to what extent hybrid? EVOLUTIONARILY ADAPTIVE TERPOLOGICAL DISCERNMENT & ASSIGMENT DEVELOPMENTAL CANNALYTIC PROTOCOL seeks to further this categorization to more accurately understand the synergistic effects of cannabis & categorize them more accurately thereby.

    Soecifically this reel is hinting at the scientific understanding of Myrcene in cannabis & how the synergistic effects differ in sativa or indica. It is scientifically stated that cannabis over 0.5% Myrcene is typically indica, this based on the presumption of myrcenes pain killing & Sedative nature. However, really in my study I have found Myrcene to enhance psychoactivity in sativa and in Indica increases sedation TYPICALLY. This is directly due to synergistic differences between indica and sativa that is part of my protocol.
    Indicas contain Beta Caryophyllene in that form, as there is another form present more often in a sativa (but also in indicas) called Trans Caryophyllene. Beta ...

MARIJUANA EFFECTS THE MEMORY.... MARIJUANA EFFECTS THE MEMORY... MARIJUANA EFFECTS T........I can only count to 4 ...... When I'm stoned .... 😂

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Intacacies Behind Proper Dab Technique - Cold Starting vs Normal Dabbing - Why So Hot & Why Wait To Cool Down? - Proper Dab Technique

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However, just because you don't slam yourself into stoned state with a single rip doesn't mean you won't get there using a low temp warm up cold start. You'll get to that Maximum point but you alsocdont have to, if for example that potent hard hitting onset is too much for you personally.
I prefer to do what people.refer to as a Low temp dab. This starts at a lower temperature and then I use the butane torch to heat up the banger slowly. Now this technique is the same when using a cold start in the Self Spinner. Therefore first I will describe the heating process of a cold start, because it's not just the same as heating and waiting for the cool down period to dab.
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Pink Sunrise - Indica Dom Hybrid (unstable genetics, listed as sativa, explained below) 73.39% THCa. Amnesia x GMO Cake

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The Beta Caryophyllene hits at 1.75%,Limonene 0.87% & Linalool 0.82%. a heavier Indica blend would have for example beta myrcene paired up in that dominant terpene cluster. Humulene is also a very good indicator of Indica Genetics. Limonene is one of the bridge terpenes meaning that it presents not as an identifier of lean one way or another but does so in both sides of the cannabis dichotomous genetic makeup. There is a more lemon like presentation of Limonene in sativa presentation and typically a less pungent orange like citrus that expresses in most indica leaning presentations. That isn't to say for certain though that the sativa presentation wouldn't appear in an indica expression. U can ...

Liquid Diamond Cart Vs Live Resin Çart vs Distillate w/ Botanical Terps

So there's several types of carts available on the dual market here in Maryland. Sussing out what is what even asking budtenders can be sketch as many are simply pretty faces for the industry. Live Resin, liquid Diamond, and distillate are different products sources from raw cannabis flower.
A live concentrate is referencing the fact that the entirety of the plant has been used to make the product. Curred Resin has only the bud of the plant used in the concentrate processing. So live resins have more Terpenes that come naturally from the plant. By flash freezing a plant upon removal from dirt the Terpenes and cannabinoids are maximally preserved.
When resin products are processed there is a significant level of THCa lost in comparison to the process of making Diamonds. A Live Resin will typically tap in with levels around mid 70s to upper 80s and once in a great while you can find a strain pushing into the 90% range. This is a bit more than a curred budder for example, where those THCa levels ...

Grapescicle Preroll From Curio 31.64% THC levels - Smells like very lightly mentholated Grapes, very Fruity Grapey Skunk Presentation

Very much so worth while as a pre roll
Terps stuck to this like glue, which is an issue for ALOT of pre rolls. The roll was also nicely compacted and not too loose nor tight, which is also an issue I run into when buying pre rolls. These aren't rolled by hand usually it's a machine rolling them using a gravity fed agitation technique. So the skull of an expert hand doesn't feel the compactness to roll it on point Everytime. But these from Curio, the half gram joints sold as 1 gram 2 rolls are nicely rolled.

DEFINATELY recommend for the high and well as the incredible terps.

I also snagged some Juice J pre rolls same 0.5 gram rolls 2 in a container for $9 from Strane. It was a bit less appealing but was the more common place in ore roll territory. It wasn't real terpy and had a bit harsher smoke than the Grapescicle.
Juice J is a nice juicy fruit like taste as well so it probably losses it's terps fairly quickly not being really fruity or powerfully presenting. Though I ...

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Cannabis Bud Structure & Micro Structures - Analysis of Bud Structure
Dichotomy of Indica & Sativa as a Means Of Classification - Attempted & Presented, Terpological Cannalysis Is Novel



Cannabis Bud Structures & Micro Structures

Dichotomy of Indica & Sativa as a Means Of Classification, Attempted & Presented,Terpological Cannalysis is NOVEL 

Tying it all together w/Terpenes 

Current scientific approach to categorizing cannabis in a binary fashion. Above shows the distinction between indica red and sativa green. 

  I have wanted to write a full on discussion about bud structure for awhile now. So I figured I would use it as a chance to show how older attempts to create a Charting for Terpenes & Cannabinoids has been presented in the past but nothing has really taken hold of the field as of yet. Those that are presented that hold.similar value I have included links to in this paper. Such as seperatin the cannabis first using the THC only, THC & CBD, & CBD  only. This splits to Terpene Clusters defined in their papers.



      I am not going to dive too far into that work because I do not want their findings of Terpene research to influence my findings via my approach. My approach splits the Terpenes into three Hierarchical categories based upon each confirmation of analysis of Terpene levels, seperating them into three categories demarcated by significant decrease in amount of the Terpenes present. Primary, secondary, and tertiary levels.

      This categorization has led ME tO questions such as, what if the Tertiary level equated to or was more.than the primary Terpene. Would the cannabis be effected in any novel notable way.? Or what other patterns EXSISt therein to be found that reveal new information.?

Pinene Lean Ratio For Discerning Lean From Levels of Alpha & Beta Pinene plugged into my formula to discern percentage sativa to indica more accurately than. A guess taken on structural chacteriatica pertinent to the cultivator, my approach at lean is pertinent to the user. 

     My protocol is very much centered around understanding terpenes, their role in cannabis in nature and synergistically in use, This goes all the way back to how the Terpenes are created in cannabis as well as the cannabinoids, as their closely connected, which my protocol takes into account, but I do not begin with a tertiary split of chemicals of THC expression.

     For Terpological protocol this works out via the entire cannabinoid profile on COA that points more accurately I may add I argue to specifics about lean and experience of that strain. The formation of the bud involves the formation of Cannabinoids and terpenoids, which I have touched on in the past. The process of the molecular development of the terpenoids and cannabinoids is also very much relative to my comprehension of this data fully as it is part and parcel of the evolutionary approach.

      For example, by understanding the levels of CBGa that characterize indica, I have hypothesized that higher levels of CBGa correlates to Sativa as Sativa contains more complex cannabinoid profiles which would use more CbgA. Devils Advocate, what if that means though that lower CBGa indicates Decarbbing, meaning there was more CBGa but all the cannabinoids used it up.

       There's that thinking or that indicas decarb that Initial cannabinoid more than a sativa due to the natural endemic environments of jungle vs desert. So is lower CBGa an indica trait or is it pointing out that it has been used extensively to create the remaining cannabinoids. To know this it would be helpful to know the initial levels of CBGa produced prior to production of the other cannabinoids both in indica and sativa. This is just one way in which the articles I have referenced may further my own study. Just off the top of my head. 

    I have discussed how CBGa is the first cannabinoid to be born of Olevetolic acidnand Geranyl Diphosphate in creation. Or my hypothesis that CBGa in Increased levels beyond those I find to be associated with Indica Expression (approx. 1.50% in Indica hybrid), that this is expressive or characteristic of SATIVA influence on the cannabis.

      Now the NBCI article does state that variation between indica and sativa isn't as cutnand dry as SATIVA UP INDICA DOWN. 


This is a huge POINT of Evolutionarily Adaptive Terpological Discernment and Assignment Developmental Cannalytic Protocol, but not only that there's a range of variation of Specifically Sativa Expressing on Indica profiles creating plethora of varrying lean dominance hybrids, but that it can be quantified and understood through Understanding Terpenes and the Confirmation of analysis that shows us those levels. 

Showing how CBGa is Formed FIRST from the precursor molecules Olevetolic Acid And Geranyl Diphosphate which then is formed from CBGa, Cannabegerolic Acid into THCa, CBNa, CBDa, Etc. once Decarbbed, introduced to heat and light the Acid is Taken Out so it's just then THC, CBD, CBG, etc. 

     The formation of cannabis is at the definitive base of Terpological Cannalysis as the creation or rather existence of Sativa and Indica are characterized by micro adaptations specific to their endemic environments. Indica produces earthier, spiced, Hops like herbal woodsy scents. Terpenes are for plant protection, this is spelled out in the characterization of strains via their prominent Terpenes, using COA all levels. Indica is high in linalool, which is known to repel FEMALE mosquitos which are particularly bad in regions where indica grows best outdoors wild, Afghanistan Pakistan etc.

     Sativa just like the Birds of the jungle, the sativa is characterized by expressions of Terpenes relative to the rest of that endemic enviroment. Hence the fruity, bright expressive, complex, exotic aromatic presentations. Now I present the concept of "bridge Terpenes" which explains things like why an overlap of Limonene in Both Landrace presentations, which I believe is the dual enantiomers of Limonene.

    There are other Terpenes as well with the same arrangement having one indica and a sativa type of that terpene. Beta Caryophyllene is another, trans Caryophyllene being the most common type thereof. Beta Caryophyllene is black pepper, that's the smell, and it's also found in black pepper able to be absorbed as it too is a dietary Terpene.

     It is also sedative and ergo all around associated with and characterizes the profile of an Indica leaning hybrid or indica.h Trans Caryophyllene is less so sedating but still calming and relaxed & relative to sativa. There are supposedly however landrace sativa Claimed anyway that has Beta Caryophyllene.

     If this is the case then my theory that if indeed Sativa leads to indica in the grand help of it all Evolutionarily, then beta Caryophyllene would be able to express on Sativa, it just isn't common. Usually beta Caryophyllene comes from indica influence, at least to my current understanding. The above may change that thinking over time. 

                         Bud Structure

    What most growers rcognize as the Bud is actually a group of pistllate structures. The actual flower of cannabis is technically the pistils themselves. The structures of the cannabis together make up what we call a bud. 

    Now that I have, I hope sufficiently connected my protocol to why I'm even discussing bud Structure, it's also a good thing to understand in general. It will also help you to understand how I define the structural characteristics of the Macro and the pulled back micro structures, micro structures meaning the shape that makes up the general overall shape. 

Cheese Cannabis Sativa Leaning Bud Structure

    First remember there's the generalized difference between indica and Sativa in their macro structure shape, density, & micro structures of shape and actual Micro Structures.

Quesso Pero Multiple Colas 

   Indica is bulbous and dense, shorter stunted pistils, and sativa has longer pistils often lighter in color than indicas both in bud color and pistil. But let's look at these parts. 

Single sativa Cola 

    The largest part of the bud starting on the Plant we see is the COLA. THIS is the large Inverse cone/ pointed hat on top a cannabis plant. If the plant has been topped or femmed there will be loads of Colas,one per main branch. Structures of and On the Cola is where we're diving into, not just of the Colas Though. This all buds.on the plant. 

Single Cola of Indica Hybrid 


    The next step down would probably be, well first to begin with the Cotleydons. Cotleydons are the round leaves that form on cannabis in the seed that allows the plant to begin photosynthesis once above soil. They help direct the seedling to orient the root and grow towards the sun. These fall off or some snip then once the leaf base is developed of the beginner fan leaves. 

   Part of the bud that is probably the least important  to the cannabis user is the Sugar Leaves. However it's worth discussing as sugar leaves are the foliage left on Untrimmed cannabis. This is sold for very cheap, cheaper than smalls which is just small buds. The sugar leaves do have trichomes on them and can be ground up though they will ad a slight harshness if too dense with sugar leaves.

This is MAC IV I Grew as my first ever grow showing the sugar leaves very nicely. This is the COLA Of that Plant grown with Sunlight and HCL Lighting Indoors, and it was a feminized Regular (Photoperiod) Seed. 

    The Calyx is the same pointy shape as the ends of sugar leaves, but they're shorter and they remain on the bud, usually trimmers do ofn't snip them unless they're really sticking out. The Calyx is the foliage that ends up colored nearly.Black in indica leaning OG hybrids and shows off a mint green that contrasts against surrounding CANNABIS foliage in sativa leaning OG cannabis strains. This may seem like a far fetched generality but it is not. Id confidently say 90% of the time OG cannabis presents with unique colored Calyxs. 

     Atleast this is what many people believe. . . In reality the Calyx, well cannabis technically doesn't have a Calyx, not per se. The Calyx like region I am referring to above and many growers mistake as a Calyx is actually called the Perianth.


These structures are often what is colored purple in indica cannabis, although anthacinin levels can be activated by cold exposure causing even more purple foliage. The same structures are black in indica OG Expressions, and a mint dark green in Sativa leaning OG cannabis Kush strains. 

OG Kush Indica Dark Purple Verging on Black "calyx" which are actually sugar leaves & Bracts, which contain the highest levels of terpenoids in the distillate structure that is the Bud. 

     This is the "spade shaped structure" that forms when the cannabis first moves into flower from vegetation. This is also where one can differentiate the sex of the cannabis. Typically when you see these form and you have these pistils though you looking at a female, and Ganja Goddess willing she won't herm. Males aren't always bad though, especially if you want to cultivate and create not just grow. 

This shows the structure often referred to as Calyx, indeed what I see in OG cannabis that is colored black or mint green is these structures, but these are the Perianth, which contain Calyx Cells, but there is not structural component called a Calyx on cannabis. 

       Now as for the Trichomes of cannabis, most everyone realizes these are the frosty looking and sometimes sticky stringy crystalline structures that cover cannabis. There is actually a few types of Trichomes which explains to me ALOT like how many Sativas have a fuzzy white appearance of small short no bulbous head Trichomes.

Sessile Stalked Tricomes - Short and bulbous head, remember the stalked tricomes with head has the highest concentration of goodies. 

      There is Bulbous trichomes which is a bulbous head on practically no stalk, short and round. Capitate Sessile Trichomes are bulbous heads on a short stalk, & Capitate stalked tricomes are longer stalks and a bolbous head.

Capitate stalked Tricomes, these tricomes with longer stalks and bulbous heads are those with which people.are most familiarized & contain the largest concentration of cannabinoids.Alao exemplifies the compact bolbous macro and micro structurenifmthe colas and distillate Structures. He Trichomes seen with Naked eye, usually on Indica presenting leans, are Capitate Stalked. 

So there's just round, round with a short stalk, and round with a long stalk. Indicas present more often with Capitate stalked tricomes and capitate Sessile while Sativas often appear with the small no stalked bolbous Trichomes. 

Sessile & Capitate Stalked Trichomes - Trichomes with short stalks and bulbous heads that are larger than bolbous Trichomes that are smaller and lack a stalk & capitate stalked have longer Stalks and bulbous heads.

     Trichomes also produce both a clear bubble and amber color. Many growers refer to the extent to which the amber color is & is not present in Trichomes, using different ratios of clear tricomes to amber to determine the number of days until harvest practices begin. That would be the flushing of the plant, preparing it with far red light treatments whatever your approach is. 

Bulbous Trichomes that coat the bud like this, these are typically seen sativa leaning and hybrids around 50/50 with a sativa pull to them, appearing like in the picture above and below as a white fuzz
Visual of the location of cannabinoids and terpenes on Capitate Stalked Tricomes 

.     Pistils,.which is essentially the entire bud in reality, but for clarity sake were referring to pistils as they are referred to colloquially. They are the hair like structures of orange and off yellow color that protrude from the pistillate structure that is known as the bud.

Bolbous Trichomes appear like a powder & can confisensome.novice.growers for being powdered mildew

The bud is actually in totality the combination of the plants reproductive & aromatic producing & cannabinoid producing parts. Indica Pistils tend to have a shorter length and are sort of stunted in appearance often a burnt orange color.

Somewhat stunted Indica Pistil Structure with a lighter than typical color indicating more sativa presence than if they were stunted n dark orange 

Sativa pistils are much more elongated and they stretch much further than the stunted indica Pistils. The White fuzzy hairs on the pistils and the scraggly ends of some.pistil is known as stigma. These combine with the bolbous tricomes to create that fuzzy looking appearance that may indicas have. 

Good example of hybrid Pistils on an Indica Leaning Hybrid strain. You can also see the bolbous Trichomes with lack a stalk and have smaller heads in this cannabis, makes it look somewhat like white fuzz, however, that is different still from the Stigma of the pistils which are also a white fuzz on the pistils. That can be confusing for the expert eye. 

     If you apply this characteristic to the evolution of the plant from its endemic Landrace enviroments it falls in place that the sativa would have elongated pistils. The pistil is there to essentially grab the pollen from the air that is floating by from male plants nearby.

This is a good example.of shape & structure of sativa leaning Hybrid to the sativa side.of 50/50. You can see the knots of the indica starting but it still has the elongated somewhat comical form that spreads to a shapeless flame.shaoed bud, as opposed to an indica lean with elongated bolbous micro structure. 

Now obviously in a humid jungle dense with life and plants these pistils will stretch to increase their likelihood of getting pollen. Compared to the desert arrid dry hot environment of indica endemic landrace territory where the pollen would easily blow about the territory with little vegetation standing between the male and females in the open desert steepe of Afghanistan for example. 

You can see these bright orange fairly long pistils of GMO.  YOU CAN ALSO NOTE THE STRUCTURAL SHAPE OF THIS HYBIRS STRAIN. The bolbous knots elongating and stretching out forming a 3 pronged triangular structure, in opposition to the picture above of a sativa leaning hybrid. Note the individual knots of flower.  

       The way in which the pistils stretch to teach the max amount of pollen also is applicable to the sativa in a generalize sense. The Sativa stretches, that's a good overall thing to remember. The plant stretches up towards the canopy to attain as much light as possible in the position it is in, hence tall skinny sativas. The skinny elongated leaf fingers make sense as you wouldn't want a bunched up foliage in a humid dense jungle so as to properly aerate the plant.

This is a great example of Sativa pistil color with a bit of indica length to them, this also shows how a sativa differs from indica moving towards balance. This semi elongated comical shape maintained but spread and very much lacking a stable shape like the 3 prong triangular indica Hybrids, Sativas have little rhyme or reason to the structure as they hybridize. Note the lack of differentiation of micro structure of the flow


Endemic Landrace Enviroments of Sativa Cannabis, dense Thick Jungles with Hot Humid Wet Surroundings bombarded with competition, this more expressive, complex, brighter, exotic presentation, as well speaks to reason for Sativas structural differentiation between it and Indica. 

     So the Sativa Has skinny fingers on the leaves of the plant. This allows for maximum airflow if I am comsiderkng the Evolutionary purpose form this, which adds up given the humid and hot densely packed with vegetation and animal life jungle.enviromemtnofnsatica Landrace. The Environment which sprang forth the sativa genetics do relative to the endemic surroundings. 

Great examples ofmthe Indica vs Sativa Structures of plants from an overall perspective. SATIVAS BUDS GROW ALONG THE STALKS, INDICA GROWS ON ENDS OF THE STALKS. 

     In the same.light, an Indica has the exact opposite. An indica poseses very convex leaf fingers that often touch one another at their apex points on each convex curve of each finger in lamens terms, the leaves touch at their bend to create shade and shadows.well as to keep heat refracting back to the plants important structures in the cold.dry Afghani Steepe Nights.

This is a good image of the buds growing on the ends of the stalks vs the above left growing along the entirety of the branches. This makes some Sativas seem like they have bigger colas but in reality the indica is denser. 

Again, the dense bulbous buds and the leaves acting both as shade and as a blanket are Evolutionarily influenced traits the Indica Micro adapted into from Sativa. We can see evidence of this micro adaptation from sativa to Indica in Terpene presentation. For example the fact that there is a variance in beta Caryophyllene vs trans Caryophyllene presentation, although given that even still beta Caryophyllene maintains sedative qualities even in Sativas like Blue Dream. 

Great example.ofnImdica Leaf Structure acting as Shade and Cover form the an Afghani Landrace growing in its Endemic Landrace desert steepe environment. 


    The current approach to understanding cannabis ia a binary classification system, the most recent one use Terpene pairs, three to be exact to differentiate three types of cannabis presentations. Those are myrcene Limonene, Terpinolene & beta Caryophyllene, & Myrcene pinene pairs. I will be looking into this as a possible man's of furthering my own understanding. Such as is there a Terpene pairing like listed here always present for example in indicas which contain dominant levels of the terpologically sativa oriented terpinolene. 

Another variation for comparing Terpenes that extrapolates on the paired Terpene concept discussed above, linked in NIH reference link & the PUB link

     Advoc8 always 

     Meduc8 Daily 


  Don't break the law while your breaking the law.


Aromatic & Cannabinoid Profiles 


Cannabinoid Guide


Minor Non terpenoids Volatile Compounds - Scientific work That Goes Against My Approach but may Hold Useful Information 


National Institute of Health Cannabinoid / Terpenoid Scientific Breakdown

Royal Queens Seeds Cannabis Structure Discussion


Biosynthesis of Cannabinoids


Cannabinoids & Terpenes in Structure of Cannabis


Bloodshot 🐨 Koala 
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Cheese Wiz Live Resin Batter - 2 Genetic Scenarios 1 Unique Hybrid
Discussing Stoner Nomenclature, Genetics, & CANNABIS strain History

Understanding Cheese Wiz

Terpological Review & Genetics Breakdown 

Koala the Bloodshot here....

    Sincerest apologies for the recent lapse in content. My Internet is currently minimal until I can take care of that were stuck with what I can manage. I figured out how to load the web page rather than the App so I can write this. As the Web Page when logged into through web view then turn it back to phone you can load the webpage without being kicked to the App.

   Now I had to approach Cheese Wiz ABit differently as I still haven't scanned the Confirmation of Analysis as of WRITTING these words, I will and I'll analyze it based upon the information gathered regarding this unique genetic situation.

     Cheese Wiz comes off aromatically as a Gass factory located in a forest of pine thicket and lemon grass, think about all those aromas being dominated by gassy Skunky pine, and this is Cheese Wiz. I personally felt it has a minor sativa onset, all beit maintaining a general calm throughout. The more you smoke, the more the sativa psychoactivity and headiness, squinty eyes even a bit dizziness can occur. Imo this is the result of seeing Myrcene on its own in impeded by Beta or Trans Caryophyllene. When on its own in a profile like this, be it indica or sativa, the Myrcene acts on what is the nature of most sesquiterpenes which is to Proliferate, to aid in transport across some barrier.


     Limonene is extensively used in skincare to proliferate the Dermal layer of the skin. I use Limonene combined with Myrcene in my TERP BOMBS (Bath fizzies) as Limonene proliferates the dermal layer as the salts exfoliate and penetrate muscles allowing the Myrcene to at least act in its scientifically suggested manner as an analgesic. In this way the Terpenes bombs all provide minor skin irritation relief & are safe in the sensitive areas, & From my experiences & my friends there's a major different in the way your skin feels and the relaxation and skin tension easing between Epsom salts and my mixtures of hemp derived Terpenes.

     This is not utilizing the Synergistic nature of Cannabis, as these are isolated and extracted Terpenes, but their independent nature can be combined to work together outside the Endocannabinoid system, grooving the therapeutic application IMO despite the argument over existence or the operation of the ECS. Imo the ESC is an essential Homeostatic system in our bodies that the FDA is well aware has potential to end many of their Drugs. This is why they possess the patent on Non Psychoactive Cannabinoids since 2001. 

   So the Myrcene in Cheese Wiz Being as dominant as it is, just beneath Limonene, leaves for a rather intense onset, again increasing in potency of the experience with more consumption. In addition to increasing this supposedly 50/50 hybrids ability to hype up the jitters, the Myrcene also kicks in the bottom of the lungs and the bronchial tubes like a little boxer going fast bag on your Airway. Beta Caryophyllene has a more full chested pound of a hurt, that doesn't really provoke the spitting smoke cougΠΠΩhing burnt throat, o shit now I'm drooling and ^′Π on saliva and mucus hit. . . This Myrcene alone like this that's what it does.

     And there's not but potent pungency to pump that up, the piney sharp kick, the Slightly sweet smoothness of limonene keeps the Humulene Shiver at bay, so that's a plus on the indica expression of it. 

     The Terpene profile listed on the printout from my Dispensary, The Apothecarium of Cumberland here in Western Maryland, shout out to the real ones working there. It lists:

Humulene 0.53%, alpha pinene 0.25%, limonene 3.02%, linalool 1.17%, beta Caryophyllene 1.70%, 1.33% beta Myrcene, beta pinene 0.44%

     I have to admit here that I was under the false impression the Beta Caryophyllene was lacking in this presentation, however it is not. This doesn't change what I said about the Myrcene hitting in the chest, though it is a very sharp sensation for beta Caryophyllene either way, it's usually a more full chested too much to hold in feeling than an actual thump of a stab, if that's makes sense. Myrcene causes that awful cough exhale that is all mucus ridden and makes your back itch sometimes, just unpleasant. But, the fact that we do indeed have beta Caryophyllene means that I'm not such a nut for findng sedation and a weed nap in the mid to end of this experience, which imo cheesen wiz like this hits obviously as soon as you dab at temp, and it lasts around 4 hours, about an hour being a weed recovery nap.

     But I also like weed naps I always feel super recharged mentally after and very euphoric upon waking. Though that does present a bit of a quandary as to the hyped up sativa jitterines I started to get with too many pulls on the Cheese Wiz. Because I am convinced this starts, yes relaxed and calm but as the buzz creeps.on, by hit 3 or ,4 the intensity of the high is such that bodily euphoria isnt the focus, it's the hyperactive state and paranoid thoughts that start, particularly for novice or inexperienced users.

     Now I'm not exaggerating this or rather don't want to, as it isn't a severe case of this happening but why it is important is because in this 50/50 hybrid argued about amongst cultivators and users of its lean. Some say sativa slightly some say slightly indica. I think I have a reason for the variation in experiences,.though it could be confirmed by seeking the genetic lineages of the syrains from others experiences. I get just a slight indica pull however the Sativas THC potency is what is front and center IMO in Cheese Wiz.

      Typically one would get more immediate relaxation with these levels of Myrcene to beta Caryophyllene ratios, the Myrcene is at prime position to amplify the sedation of beta Caryophyllene and it does do so, as the buzz wears on, ending were in a weed nap. I believe this is heavily likely because the form of Limonene present, as per the aromatic profile IMO is that Limonene which expresses Sativa, not the rindy, orangey, mango lean of Indica Limonene.

       And I have a good reason for this and thinking to back up everything. This takes a very indepth look at the genetics of this Strain. 

     First though the cannabinoid profile Totalling just over 80%. 78.85% THCa, 0.44% THC, 0.29% CBD & and 0.70% CBN.all of this including  my ratio for pinene which ill go over points to this being an indica hyrid, rather than 50/50 which makes it even more to unique in my opinion.

      But it also speaks to the potency with which sativa can play a the experience especially and particularly when the strain at hand is close in proximity to Landrace Genetics, as sativaà being the fire runner of indica, it being a micro adaptation of sativa this adds up sativa would be able to express as such on indica dominance, particularly when close to Landrace, & regardless of the genetic path taken discussed below, the proximity to landrace very high, it is very close to the landrace strains that make it up. 

     The pinene ratios here is

Alpha Pinene 0.25%

  Beta Pinene 0.44%


   = 0.69% 

    =  0.25%/0.69% : 0.44%/0.69%

      =       0.3623%  :    0.6376%

       =        0.36 ---->0.35%. :  0.6376--->0.65%          =.   0.65% : 0.35% Indica Dominant Hybrid

                                                     = 100% 👍 

          Cheese Wiz Terpologically is 65/35 Indica Dominant Hybrid. 

      Everything this far save my mis reading of the Terpene profile a week ago and believing for this time it had No. Beta Caryophyllene, which some false thinking regarding its role.with THC. WHILE THAT still an issue, as this strain presents that way despite my knowledge of the BCP, IT ISNT as obvious why Cheese Whiz, especially presenting even heavier indica would exhibit sativa hyperactive characteristics in the onset.


    The Terpenes present though speak to the indica dominance, we have Humulene, a little.bitnlower than expected in Most heavier leaning indicas, but I also again believe I understand reasoning for this. When you have a presentation so close in proximity to so many Sativa Landrace, even with indica landrace present en masss, the sativa expresses dominant as it's both in sativa and dormant somewhere in indicas microadaptation from sativa, so it stands forth. But doesn't necessarily impact a total shift all the time, and we know this seeing terpinolene dominance in Gorilla.Glue #4 

     This pinene lean Ratio states a lean of 65% Indica and 35% Sativa. And setting the onset of the experience aside, admitting I said it maintained a calm throughout this makes.more sense to me than does comparing this wicked Heavy Hitter with something much more.mellow for a wider range of users like the 50/50 White Grape. I know its a bit of a handful, but cheese Wiz for myself and others I've seen reviews of online, hits with a sativa punch and lulls into an Indica sedation. 

    Stoner Nomenclature is the use of legacy Market experiences, anecdotes, stories, & more & current cultural zitghiest if you will surrounding cannabis culture in America and somewhat internationally,  to express an idea about a strain of cannabis in most cases, that is relatively "Stoner" in its characterization of its nature. Like associating tree with cannabis, at a very basic level. This comes.into play ALOT I'm cannabis nomenclature, naming strains.

    For example, Genetically Modified Organism was the title of GMO, aka Garlic Cookies. Why aka, ? At the time this strain hit the market in legal states out west, there was a News freak out about how big our apples are and why our carrots are not like natural ones, the Genetically Modified Organism discussion, as we know everything Americans consume is genetically.modified from Apples to oranges. Some.modifications are necessary for the food to EXSISt as is, like Bananas, without the genetic modification are super small and seedy. 

     None the less there was a freak out in Society, more of a social discussion but one with a glare on it. Therefore dispensaries weren't willing to bring the News attention to their then supcoming businesses by selling a strain claiming it's Genetic Modification on the label. However, GMO is not actually any more genetically Modified than any other strain of cannabis, it just had an extremely pungent, unique aromatic presence not smelled by the masses before. So the name then, uses the nomenclature to reference the parent Contributing genetics, Garlic Cookies. Cookies is the line and "Brand" of cannabis and it smells like 'Garlic' or imo like who doesnt wear deoderant because "there aluminum!". 


      Now l, why am I mentioning all of this in the review for Cheese Wiz? Well when seeking the parent strains for cheese Wiz what I found was interesting. And to be absolutely honest i don't think it would jump out to the average smoker. 

      Google will usually give you a main description, a sort of amalgam of all the data and it finds the best answer online that matches the most submissions. This isn't always accurate, as humans are not always accurate, and cannabis is one space online and in science still Very largely not understood. So your liable to find incorrect Google Definitions of strain lineage so one must be vigilant. This Cheese Wiz In particular, First I saw reddit posts regarding people aearching for the strain lineage and asking the chat on reddit.

      So I modified my search parameters slightly and got an Answer of a Google Definition that Cheese Wiz Is a potent Cross of Cheese x White Widow. I am including a Screenshot right here of this all on one page.

Screen shot genetic lineage
This shows the issue I am talking about. So when faced with this, one needs to start digging into the genetics a bit to figure it out. 

Now one could take this to mean that White widow and cheese are somewhere in the lineage. But the other cross listed is QUESSO PERO X Oz Kush Bx1. And Cheese in Spanish, melted cheese anyway is to the English tongue Quesso. The connection is there, and I don't think it unintentional. 

      I believe that the difference between them can be found by finding all similarities in Genetics, or genetics that could be subbed in and create a similar very indifferent result will reveal that which is Different, ergo revealing the relationship between these approaches. 


Cheese / UK cheese
Cheese / UK Cheese
SKUNK🦨 No1 Derivation 

    Rather than detail the entirety of every single strain cross and what isn't present in one vs another if any, I am posting up the genetic maps of Quesso Pero, Oz Kush Bx1, Cheese, & White Widow.  Now Cheese & White Widow are very recall. Cheese is a Skunk #1 derivation. I remember it easily as Exodus Cheese aka UK cheese was actually on a National Geographic Channel Episode when I was like 13. I remember "this extremely potent marijuana, CHEESE" In the white mans narrators.voice. it was funny to me back then idk why, it's even more humorous now though. 

     White Widow is a cross of Indian Indica and Brazilian Sativa. That's simple. The Quesso Perro and The Oz Kush bX1 is where things go off the rails and get more confusing. 

   Queso Perro is a heavy leaning 65/35 Sativa Dominant Hybrid that is a cross of UK CHEESE x STARDAWG.  So we know that Exodus Cheese is now scratched off that list of similar strains amongst these 2 crossings. What about Stardawg? 

AuroFlower StawDawg 

    Stardawg is a cross of Chemdawg No. 4 x Tres Dog. These strains were bred by Top Dog Genetics. Now, since I am discussing stoner Nomenclature herein; what is the the difference between '...DOG' & '...DAWG?' According to information i can find, thenDAWG genetics refers to more recent potencies CHEMDOG, which has very much a disputed genetic lineage. The potency happenstance here with 'DOG' to ' DAWG' supports what I believe about the US cannabis market & the way the cannabis leans in presentation due to the the illegality of cannabis. Why and what did I just say? 

      Cannabis is very much NOW in 2024 starting to become a more balanced pool here in the United States. The strains have been there, we have the history, but between approximately 1998-2012 or so, cannabis had a particular illicit hayday. This was spurred on by the fact that cannabis from the legallly growing market in California could be obtained all over the US. During prohibition before legalization of States independently began to roll out as it is, California supplied up to 75% o the U.S. cannabis Supply. Because of this, growers were more easily able to obtain seeds and clones from the Legally grown Market, opening their possibilities in cultivation more. 

      Regardless of whether this played a big role how the Illicit cannabis leaned overall, the cannabis from the illegally grown market in states that hadn't decriminalized cannabis extensively enough or legalized increased in potency over that same period, Exponentially. Compared to the previous decades, where a powerful strain would rear it's head now and again, helping many cannabis legends gain their notariaty like Nevelle Shumaker or Mr. sherbinski. These exotic or potent beauties were 1 difficult to come by due to their requirement of extensive breeding, 2 breeding was more complex but arguably led to more stable genetics pre feminization of seeds in late 1980s, & the attainment of genetics was more difficult often requiring the use of "Strain hunters."

     These are still employed by companies to go to exotic areas of the globe to uncover exotic, LANDRACE untouched genetics. There are, to my knowledge at least far less Indica Landrace than Sativa, which also makes sense if indeed Sativa microadapted into Indica over centuries as current science predicts was the case.

      Therefore, obviously the access to people even if it was through the post which became very common who had unfettered access to the current cannabis in ,late 90s through 2012-15 or so made it more easy to expand the illegal markets variety & potency. Again though regardlesa of the Legal Markets influence from far away, cannabis obtained from the illicit Market by the DEA in Drug busts tested as increasing from approxomately 9% in the mid 1990s to over 18% and up to 25% by approximately  2015. This is a study I have in memory, feel free to fact check it. 

Distillation Machinery in DEA Lab Bust of illicit Cannabis Concentrate Manufacturing, see this is there Industry gets what they're making, from the streets, we figured this out, not mainstream science. 

       So what does any of this have to do with Stardawg, Chemdawg and the DOG VS DAWG question? Follow just a moment more. The illicit market due the aforementioned reasons combined and regardless of other extenuating unmentioned influence I believe from my expertise in study of Cannabis as a subject if you will, tends to present more Sativa expressive during this period of time when the potency of THC was seen to be increasing by the DEA busts & CBD seen to be stable. The heightened THC & Lack of CBD speaks to the fact CBD is more prominent in INDICA, this wouldn't increase overall in testing. Sativas on the hand are higher in THC, LOWER IN CBD, ergo all of this supports my observations of the marketplace.

      You can also refer to THE FACT that people in this time period absolutely expected one Smell from cannabis, SKUNK/GAS/PINE/DANK AF....Any hint of herbaceous/ earthy/spicey/woodsy was immediately off-putting to people who were very involved in n the market. I know this oersonally.  Also heavily influenced by the poor quality Mexican Brick Pack that sprawls its deedy stemmy brown yuck across the market before The Cartels stopped pushing cannabis.

 Their technique was brick packing and this left a bad taste in people pallete for indica expressing cannabis. People during that period, a period of cannabis Boom in terms of introduction of new genetics and potencies thereof as well as the understanding of isolation of independent terpenoids/cannabinoids expected dank smell. This pushed growers to pull as little of the earthiness of Indica into the market is possible, not by trying to avoid that really, but rather by seeking the rank. As Sativas are the lean that presents in that way, this led to a potent Sativa dominant market place.

      People did not understand Terpenes the way even people in illegal states do today because there just wasn't the exposure to the market in that way. I have smoked cannabis since.I was 12 & while I remember old-school skunk I haven't smelled.for a long time, I never got those exotic juicy fruits or.oink lemonades until decriminalization and legalization began near me. That market really has no exposure to Terpenes in this way. 

        So, with all of this in mind about the dominance of Sativa presentation in the Illicit Market place, which is admittedly becoming more balanced as of late with more & more states decriminalizing or legalizing cannabis this influences the DOG VS DAWG conversation .DAWG is said to be a later note recent development of the less known about CHEMDOG. In my opinion this makes sense, as Chem the man responsible for this monstrosity of a smash hit was jailed as recently as 2011 for cannabis related activities.

      So the development of CHEMDOG to Chemdawg has taken place precisely during this time period I am mentioning here and always discussing, the 90s and mid 2000s due this times significance to cannabis. The combination of acces through ease of Prohibition & the illicit nature still existing in areas where these two world can converge, as I said even via the mail, LED to development of many potent strains and the knowledge and scienfe of cannabis also began to expode during this period of time.

     Yes, no doubt the Internet was one of the major players in this illicit cannabis development hayday. 

       Chemdog is a unknown genetics and is literally a strain bred during this period from Bag seed. Bagseed simply refers the attainment of seeds through the purchase of cannabis. Today it avoided but in the past, trust me dealers would add seeds to the pot to make it weigh more. If one is going through a lot of cannabis, that 0.3 grams in seeds adds up quickly to a free 1/8 of weed if that bad would happen to teach to do a backflip. Chemdog cannabis was created by  Greg Krzanowski.

     It was arranged to have 2 Oz. Shipped to him here on the East Coast. One bag was Sensimillla or de sseded and the other contained the 13 seeds that developed into today's CHEMDAWG.  CHEM planted the first 4 seeds in 1991, and of these 4 seeds Chem, had one Male & the common thing for most who didn't understand cultivation well was to trash the males.

      Some old school smokers say that the feminization of seeds just prior to 91 caused a shallowing of the pool genetically and certain strains to be lost, like Roadkill Skunk. The 3 Females grown were labeled Chemdog, Chemdog a which is now Chemdogs Sister aka Chem Sister, and chemdog b. In 2001 chem again attempted to germinate 3 seeds from that original 13 seed stash, of which 1 was a dud, 1 was no good according to Chem & Chemdog e was the keeper.

     In 2006 chemdog & Joebrand, the initial salesman of the 'DogWeed' met up & was given 4 of 6 remaining seeds, and of these came Chemdawg4, as 4 was the keeper. That leaves 2 seeds remaining in Chems stash but in 2011 the hand of the man came down in Chem & he hasn't been heard of from information I have seen since on the scene with Chemdog. 

     Now I suppose it is argued even apparently by The Creator himself.that it was never Chem dawg. However, while I get that he is saying he always named the cannabis Chemdog, the last being effectionately named "the reunion Pheno" I do also believe that the generalized notion from the crowd, yes it carries from place but it was that these newer presentations were more potent and had varrying presentation than the chemdog 91. This people began referring to TooDog Genetics ChemDog with a -w. I think it also makes sense in stoner nomenclaturenas a sort of shoutnto Krazanowlski -w.



      But the accepted reason amongst those who started using this terminology that even The Creator has spake against, was because they recognized the variation of the strain as new presentation some.even comparing 91' to more sativa lean and later versions to be more indica expressive, leading to differentiating them earlier indica leans from later least expression in buzz with DAWG.  So Stardawg uses the strain from Round 2 of breeding in 2001 where 4 seeds led to 1 beautiful Skunky chem factory, Chemdog 4. (Seed D -2001). 

     Tres DAWG IS ANOTHER topDog Genetics strains and crosses ChemDawg (here we see that W I mentioned, so this is more indica in presenting experience hence.people adding the W in later variations of Chems Chemdog 91, like their chemdog 4 in 2001. ChemDAWG is crossed with is crossed with Afghani then this result is crossed over Afghani and this is Double Dawg. So Chemdawg x (ChemDawg x Afghani no.1.) x Afghani 1 is hhh a a crossing over of Afghan Landrace with Afghan Landrace. 

Cheese / UK Cheese

       So to recap, Cheese x White Widow. This is Skunk no.1 which derives from (Afghanistan x Columbia) x Mexico, so landrace. Now White Widow is a Landrace cross.of Indian Indica and Brazilian Sativa. So This far, at least with the most basic cross of Cheese Wiz has extensive Afghani & south American Sativa not so much Asiatic, which could speak to the effect I get from Cheese Wiz, that the Sativa doesn't kick hard until I take several hits. The calming aspect of Cheese Wiz, labeled a 50/50 by industry certainly can be tied to this extensive indica Landrace presence. 

Cheese x (Cheese x Afghanistan) 

    So Quesso is Cheese x (cheese x Afghanistan) (Mazar-i-Sharif.) However, Quesso Pero uses UK CHEESE x STARDAWG. So it isn't the AFGHANI cross, but UK cheese x Stawdog. 


     Stardawg is ChemDawg 4 x Tres DAWG. Tres DAWG is again, at stoner Nomenclature, as it is Chemdog D which is the 2001 variety of Chemdog From Chem & his sister. Remember, the story is 4 seeds led to one male tossed, and 3 females labeled Chemdog (Chemdog91) , Chemdog a (Chems Sister) , and chemdog b. In 2001 chemdog attempted 3 more seed which led to Chemdog D.. Then jn 2006 the Reunion Pgenorypenwas created.  I am reviewing Chemdog bc this seems to be the bit that speaks to me. 


      While it is certainly true we don't see Chemdog in the pure genetic cross.of.Indian Indica & Brazilian Sativa, we do see the South American genetics present in StawDawg as Grapefruit as well as having Kush genetics that could speak to the lack of that Indian Landrace. Those are the two landrace that stand apart from all the both of these crosses, Indian Indica and Brazilian Sativa. The approach used here in Maryland By Modern Flower owned by Terrascend Maryland is DEFINATELY the Quesso Perro X Oz Kush Bx1. 

      Quesso Pero is covered now, UK CHEESE x StawDawg, Stardawg Chemdog4 x Tres dawg. Oz Kush Bx1, what does BX 1 MEAN? BX 1 means the production of an F1 hybrid that is crossed.over one of its parent strains. So crossing Oz Kush after attaining it with Either Eddie Lepp or Skittlez. 

     is a cross of OG Eddie Lepp x Zkittles. This reinforces my thoughts that this is the genetics for Cheese Wiz because Zkittles is extensively used in the Maryland Market. I would venture to say it isn't possible to know which parent was used to back cross the Oz Kush. Given that Quesso Pero is 65/35 Sativa, and Oz Kush is crossing two 65/35 Indica dominant Hybrids, OG Eddie Lepp & Zkittles, this but atleast right there adds up to logically equating to a 50/50 lean, if we sort of look at it as the woods not just each tree, meaning seeing it overall, the 50/50 outcome of Cheese Wiz Makes sense. 

       I also have a notion that using Afghani so extensively over and over and over in the same genetics, can lead to allowance for the indica to express it natural makeup derived from sativa and push a fruitiness now and again. Purest Indica is said to have had Thai Slipped.into the genetic formula mentioned at some.point, but given how extensively we've recorded the histories of these strains, I don't think that's the case more likely in my opinion that the extensive Afghani Crossing sativa rearing it's dominant genetic head producing that terpinlene fruitiness hinted at in Purest indica. Completely unrelated aside.from being extensive Afghani Crossing. 

      It is possible that the genetics do not need to be EXACTLY the same to get what comes on across to us as exactly the same strain. I can see where the genetics of Quesso Pero line up side.with the much more.simlified Indica India Brazillian sativa cross in White Widow. But we can achieve that via the Grapefruit south American lineage, as well there is Mexico present in the profile from Cheese. And it is crossed over Afghani x Columbian so those genetics may indeed be able to make up for the difference, Mexican being on its own, crossed over the above. The Columbian & the Mexican would both work in favor of the fact being these are both examples.of Cheese Wiz Parents. 

Cheese Wiz Buds 

      I believe it's completely feasible that both of these parents crosses can equate to Quesso Pero, possible even creating a variation in the lean dominance of this potent 50/50 Very ok interesting and complex hybrid strain. 


SeedFinder Link For StawDawg

 Oz Kush Seedfinder

SeedFinder Link For Cheese/ UK Cheese

Chemdog Seedfinder Link

Quesso Genealogy Tree Seedfinder

Gregg "Chemdog" Krzanowski

Scientific Nomenclature Of Genetics (Not to be Mistaken for Stoner Nomenclature)

Grandmas Genetics Scientific Nomenclature - What Does Bx1 Mean (OZ KUSH Bx1)

Discussion of Terpenes & Effects

Understanding Beta Myrcene (How the industry sees it vs my understanding of it Synergistically vs Independently)

AllBud Site on OZ Kush


      Edit - In also have now Ran into a third cross, which is what I initially thought this strain contained a part of this cross when I first seen Cheese Wiz. Because of stoner Nomenclature, WHIZ is the way to spell it so speelling it with WIZ got me considering Blissful Wizard as I Know this Company, Modern Flower & Not many others have used Blissful Wizard and it's precursors.

      However, if it is this cross this is absolutely different, containing OG Kush & Durban Poison Throw back genetics. However, the use of Cookies makes me that much more lean into this cross. I can not find an example for Ajs Cheese, though I did find Ajs Cookies, which crosses 2 forms of GSC. Ergo I would venture to say AJs cheese is Cheese x UK Cheese or some form of Cheese, like and ,F1 crossed over F2. I believe that makes logical sense. So that made this eve more complex. 

       I do not like that industry is hiding the genetics, given that it's always been a canna his culture thing to share these pearls with the community in some way, these companies are hoarding everything regarding strains, given they're developing aside a market created under prohibition I don't agree with this. 

       Advoc8 always 

        Meduc8 Daily 

    Don't break the law ..... While.your breaking the law. 


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Blueberry Yum Yum Reveals A Confirmation Of The Pinene Lean Formula
Making Pinene Lean Make Better Sense - Null 2, Opposition in Totality Correlating to Pure Genetic Lineage Highly Unhybridized

   The Pinene Lean Formula is an significant aspect of the evolutionarily adaptive TERPOLOGICAL Discernment and Assignment Developmental Cannalytic Protocol as it CAN BE a staying point from which to understand the true lean of the strain. Why would I want to change what the industry or your dude tells you? Most cannabis is determined to be Hybrid today and the lean IMO is not applied to the strains as scientifically as they could be, as obviously a confirmation of analysis based lean confirmation is likely more accurate than a guess from punnet squares & knowledge of the parent lineage. The protocol roots out the parent lineage contribution through representation thereof in the Terpene and Cannabinoid expression. 

   The formula is as follows before we discuss YumYum and why it is a premium example to validate at least what I have deemed the null 2 of the Formula. 

           ****PINENE LEAN FORMULA****

            Alpha Pinene + Beta Pinene 

Alpha Pinene = Sativa - Beta Pinene = Indica 

      Alpha/Alpha + Beta : Beta/Alpha+Beta

        Some decimal = % : %---> The Lean 


          Alpha - 0.2.  Beta - 0.5 

               0.2/0.2+0.5 : 0.5/0.2+0.5

                    0.2/0.7 : 0.5/0.7

                    0.29... : 0.7142

                Rounds to 70:30

            Indica Dominant hybrid 

    Now this part may seem a bit different to people but it's the best I have at the moment. When examining the profile Terpologically the first thing I do Is take in the over all Terpene superclass arrangement and which Terpenes are present.


   For example, if I see Beta Caryophyllene I'm immediately gokng to start with indica expression dominance in my reading. That would change though say if bCP was second to Terpinolene. Terpinoelene is characteristic of Asiatic sativa and thus would lean us moreso back to sativa. And significantly moreso because Sativa is always more impactful on indica expression when seen than is Indica on Sativa. In that I mean your not going to find many Indica presenting Sativas, but there's plenty of sativa forward presenting Indicas with terpinolene dominance.

    It works well though because teroinolene is anxiolytic through calming the mind and helping focus and thus enhances the indica experience moreso in modern cannabis than. It does in Sticks today. I would want to have beta Caryophyllene present in the sativa with the Terpinolene and either have a lower THC level which is less likely in sativa or have the Myrcene leel lowered so the impact of the psychoactive proliferation of ThC to CB1 receptors isn't causing the freak out effect.

    There is a cure for that, which is more beta Caryophyllene or less Myrcene, or alternaticely as I said less THC (Delta 9, so Delta 9 or THCa.) one cam actually ingest Beta Caryophyllene  orally bc it is a dietary Terpene and can be introduced into the Endocannabinoid system through the Gut, where those CB2 receptor sites are which absorb Myrcene to proliferate the sedation of BCP. 

    Remember that Beta Myrcene like all sesqui Terpenes is proloferative by nature, which means it helps transport other molecules, like THC across the blood brain barrier or causing psycjoactive intensification proliferating beta Caryophyllene on cb2 receptor sites with THC causing enhanced sedation. 

      Therefore with all of that, and by observing the bud structure if I wish to include that, or if I'm studying a concentrate which is most often I will look up the strains pictures to study the macro and micro structures of the cannabis because these correlate to the Terpene and cannabinoid expression as well.

    Sativas are fluffy and elongated and indica denser and more.bulbous. as the indica becomes more sativa the bulbous nature begins the triangulate rather equilaterally. As the sativa increases the equilateral nature elongates more and density lessens as color brightens, pistils lengthen and lighten in color, & trichome heads get smaller with sativa but there's more of them usually.

     Indicas trichome heads are typically visible to naked eye and don't look like hair covering like sativa. These characteristics increase or decrease depending on where the pollen falls. Indica pistils are short stunted and darker where sativas stretch like their buds.

     Makes sense evolutionarily in a humid jungle environment to make your pistils elongate to more easily grab pollen, where as an indica in dry cl ok mate wouldn't need this. This is the evolutionarily adaptive aspect of the protocol in action. 

      The micro structure of indica is a smaller version of macro structure while static has a more spikey like micro structure & less of an organized microstructure, often it isn't in knots or gatherings at all but kind of just wound into itself in an elongated fluffy fashion. . . Or spikey. 

Elongated indica with bulbous microstructure.

     Obviously the aromatic presentation is also going to be impacting our decision making before we begin the actual scientific number part of the assessment. Brighter fruitier more vibrant less earthy less spiced fruit lemon and orange notes are sativa.

    Think the expression of the vibrancy of a jungle.

And indica has an orange, but it's much more rank like beer like rank due to one of indica characteristic Terpenes Humulene.  Indica trends to be earthy, herbal, spicey, sometimes orange or a grapefruit lean. Think Afghanistan desert steepe when you think Afghani, hot dry days and cold dry nights. 

   With ALL OF THAT, which is a lot to write but isn't really a lot to do as your acting it out honestly, now we look to the pinene lean. If we see that the answer to the formula is going to go against what all those other indicators are telling us, then we place a big question mark there and start examining further. . . As the answer lay in the profile. To move.on there are two examples of the pinene lean formula not working correctly.

   This is what I have called NULL 1 and 2. NULL 1 is approximation of Opposition and null2 is opposition in totality. The former indicates that there is a somewhat hybridized landrace amalgam of parent genetics that extends beyond a traditional, what I call Hybrid Landrace. A Hybrid Landrace imo isntaking two Landrace and hybridizing them tougher, and this is EXACTLY what YumYum aka Blueberry yum yum is, hence part of  the significance.

   The later is an indicator that the expression of the actual strain is 100% opposite what your senses otherwise tel you outside the lean formula. This is indicative of a total failure of the pinene lean formula. This therefore meanss that there inherently has to be a connection to LANDRACE purity in genetics sinply sue to the nature of the  creation of the formula in its protocol.

    It is a protocol to seek out the landrace expression in hybrid cannabis, and by indicating the failure to correlate to the Terpological association through mathematics even, indicates purity in lineage. Which again Blueberry yum yum Validates. 

     So how is Blueberry YumYum Validating my protocol. ? I just mentioned it above but it needs detailing for people who created to understand to do so. 

    First we look at the Blueberry yum yum parent strains before.doing the protocol this time. I like to keep myself.partially.blind and I usually do tht by not researching the lineage prior to doing the Terpene and cannabinoid discernment.

      This time I just so happened to have looked up the genetics prior to the reading. Upon doing the read I seen tht there is Terpinolene dominance in the weed concentrate at 2.65%  which is immediately followed by Myrcene at 2.15%. the next closest Terpene in thenPrimary heirarchical category  is Limonene at 1.41% & Trans Caryophyllene at 0.84%.alpha Humulene 0.44% Fenchol 0.29%.

      What is missing here for what I would consider a standard Indica.profile, if we take terpinolene out the equation, is Linalool grouped along Humulene. However, the increased Fenchol does in a way makeup characteristically.for tht indica Presence. But we have Terpinolene dominance & Trans Caryophyllene.

      Well the trans Caryophyllene remember isn't a tell either way because it is the most common form of Beta Caryophyllene in nature, so while beta Caryophyllene is expressive of indica in its sedative contribution that doesn't mean Trans Caryophyllene is necessarily only expressive of sativa.  

    Terpinolene here would make one instantly start into sativa thought. But we can't because we know we have Humulene at the standard indica placement around Trans Caryophyllene and Fenchol, as well as practically an entire tertiary level comprised of indica Terpenes: Eucalyptol, bisabilol, borneol,a terpineol.

      Knowing what I do in this moment reading the profile, tht this is a cross of Blueberry And Durban Poison & that labeled as 80/20 INDICA dominant hybrid. I like this considering the level of Myrcene present is one which would cause some jittery mind racing with hyped up THC levels. As low as the Cannabinoid levels may express in Blueberry YumYum, the Terpene profile brings out the experience perfectly and it isn't an unpleasant over powering experience.

     The lower THC level is paired just right with the amped Myrcene that's far higher than 0.84% trans Caryophyllene, over 2x which is approaching Myrcene gets freaky territory. I have discussed the tendency of Myrcene to impact CB1 receptors in certain Myrcene heavy combinations many times. So I'm aware tht even though terpinolene and amped Myrcene and trans Caryophyllene looks sativa on the surface, but I know it's Indica. 

     Now there's reason the strain is expressing so dominantly in sativa characteristic yet pushes off an 80/20 Indica. The proximity to Landrace Characteristics and this is exactly what the Null 2 of thenoineme Lean Formula indicates. We have in Yum yum an Alpha Pinene level of 0.14%. this is the only level present, there is no Beta pinene. This gives us a totality expression, which says that this strain is the opposite of what we already know it is. This means that the protocol that has been developed to find the landrace characteristics amongst hybrids, doesn't work when the proximity to landrace is literally parent genetics.

     A Null1 is when the expression equals an opposite, so 80/20 Sativa which is usually an indicator there is similar.proximity to landrace issue causing this, but it would be more for example, Blueberry x big bud x Purest Indica. That maybe an example of Null 1 lineage. I haven't drawn the exact lines in proverbial sand yet but they're differentiated enough to be novel circumstances in each. 

     The reason I believe there's this circumstance at play is the strains in particular that contribute to the parents of YumYum. Blueberry is a cross.of Afghani (indica landrace) x Thai (sativa landrace) x Purple Thai (Hybrid Sativa). The purple Thai here is where the only complexity in this lineage exists, and speaks the sativa expression present. It is a cross of Chocolate Thai X Oaxacan Gold.

Oaxacan Gold 

     Chocolate Thai is a very pure sativa crossing, and here we hit landrace. Honestly, I would usually arrange this to be a Null 2 answer, I mean rather this what I would expect to see with tht being the case. But the Durban. poison & 2 other landrace make the difference,.particularly the Durban Poison iMO. Oaxacan Gold.Is another sativa Landrace genetics. Knowing the genetics of Purple Thai which I previously was unaware of before this article, it even further more validates both the null presentation but also my past observations and my notations regarding Durban Poison. 

Chocolate Thai 

       Durban Poison is an extremely unique strain of cannabis. It is a landrace strain, but because it was cultivated by the Bantu tribe for both use as a material and as recreational smoking and medicinal / Tribal healing. This means they cultivated it forms centuries just as we cultivated cannabis. And one could imagine they would want a denser than fluffed up landrace. I believe that's partly why Durban Poison has a unique structure apart from most Sativas. It is more bulbous than others, has a darker appearance and even shorter pistil lengths.

Hybrid pistil structure, some.elmngated lighter color and some.stundlted orange, indica dominant hybrid structure 

    The later there, the pistil lengths is of importance because that indicates the weather over time of a plant in an area. Humidity which we would expect in a port city like Durban South Africa, causes elongated pistils as seen in jungle cannabis. The shorter pistil structure speaks to the slightly stivas like slightly indica savannah like environment of Durban Posions endemic Environment. While some may argue it's cultivation by the bantu Tribe makes it a hybridized cannabis, if it is it falls under hybridized landrace IMo. 

You can see Durban Poisons Unique Structural characteristics for a sativa in the lower flowers of the picture above 

     This unique sativa presentation ofnDirban Poison, even presenting a calmer smoking experience than most Sativas, along with the Afghani landrace is what pushed this cross of all these stivas into an 80/20 Indica lean. It also makes me wonder about.further connection between Alpha Pinene and sativa strains present, or a thought I haven't had yet does sativa at higher presence like this with less indica cause the elimination of Beta Pinene in some way. 

      The point of it all is tht the strain is a 80/20 Indica, and my Pinene lean formula cam eto a correct answer indicting tht this is what it is, a strain with so much sativa contribution the indica characterisric is over ridden totally  which also indicates a closeness in proximity to landrace genetics. . . Which he see here in spades. Remember though, this is speaking to the parent contribution of how we arrived where we are at an 80/20 Indica. 

      And it's important to keep in mind that 80 /20 Indica is as about as forward sativa expressing as they come. It is Terpinolene Dominant, even the flavor pallet presentation is a juicy fruit bubblegum like flavor herbal spiced undertone. You really can taste the Myrcene and terpinolene in YumYum. 

      The cannabinoids are a bit more clear as to the lean of the strain. Remembering that heightened DELTA 9:is sativa characteristic and higher CBD is indica, we have 0.92% THC ina lice concentrate which is definitely n indica level of THC. Also we have a super low level of THCa especially.for a live concentrate, which is a total cannabinoid profile of 69.38% and a THCa of 59.65%.

     I say again though, this strain is one I HIGHLY Reccomend to experienced users and non experienced alike because this is a perfect exmplenof Terpenes helping to create the buzz, that the sun is more than whole ofnots parts. We still see Durban Posion making it's THCVa characteristic present, common in strains with Durban as a parent. CBGa is highly increased past the normal indica level of 1.5% in a live concentrate to 4.4%.

      CBG is actually increased to 1.5%. This is sativa characteristic, for sure. The CBDa, CBD, & CBNa all also speak to indica expression. The other cannabinoid is CBCa at 1.47% which is again sativa characteristic. So it almost seems as if the Sativa characteristics are expressing the Cannabinoids than the Terpenes, and the indica is heavily expressed jn the Terpenes. 


      If your able to follow my logic along through the genealogy through purple Thai, and the indica in Afghani with the rest of the sativa, but the oddity of the indica like Durban. Poison Landrace sativa. . . .all equating to this unique alagm in the confirmation of analysis. 


    I wanted to make a note here that the genetics being referenced in this example of Blueberry YumYum which was actually simply labeled YumYum, is the cross of Blue every x Durban Poison. Even though sweet Blueberry yum yum and the other cultivar do harken back to Durban Poison lineage, I would like to know if they would express pinene.lean as expected. I think it would be a very interesting study to run on the other two types of Blueberry YumYum. 


      Advoc8 always 

     Meduc8 Daily 

     Don't break the law while your breaking the law. 

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